We don't al-ways have a cause
for a cel-a-bra-tion.
No we don't al-ways have
a rea-son to smile.
We've been knocked o-ver, stepped on,
straight up o-pressed.
Our re-solve and en-dur-ance
have been put to the test.
We've been un-der thummed,
un-der-ground and un-der ar-rest.
and we have-nt seen the sun
for a while.
But the ta-bles have turned.
The mo-men-tum has shift-ed.
Can't you feel the change in the air?
A new hope has re-turned.
Our spir-its are lif-ted.
Go tell ev-ery-bo-dy ev-ery-where.
Time to cel-e-brate.
Re-bel please,
I think you ought to know.
If you've been wait-ing
for a chance to par- ty
then re-bels let's go.
Re-bels let's go.
All the wook-ies in the house go GRRR.
They count-ed us down
and they count-ed us out.
Our de-feat was just a mat-ter of course,
but now I think they know
that we're not mess-ing a-bout.
Tell ev-ery-one we're back in full force.
Time to cel-e-brate.
Re-bel please,
I think you ought to know.
If you've been wait-ing
for a chance to par- ty
then re-bels let's go.
Time to cel-e-brate
and wreck the sta-tus quo.
If you've ben wait-ing
for a chance to par- ty
then re-bels let's go.
Re-bels let's go.
Re-bels let's go, yeah.
Re-bels let's go.
Re-bels let's go.