Nar-whals nar-whals, swimm-ing in the o-cean, caus-ing a comm-o-tion, 'cause they are so awe-some.
Nar-whals nar-whals, swimm-ing in the o-cean, prett-y big and prett-y white, they beat a po-lar bear in a fight.
Like an un-der-wa-ter un-i-corn, they've got a kick-ass fa-cial horn, they're the jed-i of the sea, they stop C-thu-lu eat-ing ye.
Nar-whals, they are nar-whals, nar-whals, just don't let 'em touch your balls.
Nar-whals, they are nar-whals, nar-whals, in-ven-tors of the shish ke-bab.