In the rain or in the dark,
I will ne-ver lose the spark
That keeps me go-ing when I'm low
Ev ery-bo-dy asked me how
I get by when I get down
It's ea-sy to get thru the dark-ness
Once you know!
I can show you the way
To have a bright-er day!
It on- ly takes a smile
To make it all worth while!
We can con-quer our fears!
Laugh un-til hap-py tears!
Fall to the gro- o-ound!
If you're lost and a-fraid,
All the good times will fa-a de!
Just fol-low the so- o-ound!
Fol-low the sound of Laugh- ter!
Pul-ling through, stan- ding tall,
We can rise a-bove them all!
With our friends by our side!
Face the dan-ger with a grin!
Cuz there's no bat-tle we can't win!
And we will ne-ver fall, ne-ver di-vi- ide!
We will find the way
To face a-no-ther day!
It on- ly takes one smile
To make it all worth while!
We can con-quer our fears!
Laugh un-til hap-py tears!
Fall to the gro-o-ound!
If you're lost and a- fraid,
All the good times will fa-de!
Just fol-low the so-o-ound!
Fol-low the sound of Laugh- ter!
Oh, Laugh- ter!
When you look in-side, you'll find the ans-wer
Co-ming from the heart, you can't go wrong
Do it with a smile and you'll find Laugh-ter
Find your me-lo-dy and sing!
We can con-quer our fears!
Laugh un-til hap-py tears!
Fall to the gro-o-ound!
If you're lost and a- fraid,
All the good times will fade!
If we fol-low the so- o-ound!
Fol-low the sound of Laugh- ter!
Oh, Laugh-ter!