Hush now
go to bed
Lea-ders of to-mor-row
Wake up all a-lone
with no-thing
to show for
Let's go
find a mo-ti-va-tion
Step up,
take a stand
make it
a be-tter si-tu-a-tion
Be-come a be-tter man
You've been a-live
all this time,
but no proof be-hind
It's time to let go
of the so-rrows you know.
Be-neath the
he-art of it all
We're lo-sing con-trol
So let's make a-mends,
and Con-quer the si-lence
Safe and
sound to-night
Co-wards of to-mo-rrow
leave your goals a-lone
and no-one to care for
Let's go
Find a mo-ti-va-tion
Step up,
take a stand.
Make it
a be-tter si-tu-a-tion.
Get your shit
to-ge-ther man
You've been a-live
all this time,
but no proof be-hind
It's time to let go
of the so-rrows you know.
Be-neath the
heart of it all
We're lo-sing con-trol
So let's make a-mends,
and Con-quer the si-lence
Con-quer the si-lence o-oh o-oh oh
Con-quer the si-lence o-oh o-oh oh
Con-quer the si-lence o-oh o-oh oh
Con-quer the si-lence o-oh o-oh oh