Ma-gic ci-ty on the clou-dy coast,
Mo-nu-ment for ta-lent of north frost.
Lis-ten-ing to the Bal-tic whi-sper,
You un-der-stand it's just po-e-try!
Just po-e-try!
Just po-e-try!
Just po-e-try!
Just po-e-try!
This stone ci-ty on the Ne-va is fine!
This stone ci-ty on the Ne-va is fi-ine!
This stone ci-ty on the Ne-va is fine!
This stone ci-ty on the Ne-va is fine!
Breeze is hum-ing the song of fro-zen chains
To the ac-com-pa-ni-ment of cold waves.
The bril-liant pa-lace of dreams and fore-taste,
Fo-re-ver o-bliged to Pe-ter the Great!
Pe-ter the Great!
Pe-ter the Great!
Pe-ter the Great!
Pe-ter the Great!
This stone ci-ty on the Ne-va is fine!
This stone ci-ty on the Ne-va is fi-ine!
This stone ci-ty on the Ne-va is fine!
This stone ci-ty on the Ne-va is fine!
Grace of old streets and green fields,
You've got it all!
Dark wa-ter of foun-tains,
You've got it all!
Clear white nights and bridge lights,
You've got it all!
The stare-ing blind li-ons,
You've got it a-a-a-all!
You've got it all, you've got it all!
All this trea-sure, you've got it...
This stone ci-ty on the Ne-va is fine!
This stone ci-ty on the Ne-va is fi-ine!
This stone ci-ty on the Ne-va is fine!
This stone ci-ty on the Ne-va is fine!