注释:
Here
she
comes
a-
gain,
like
good
med-
i-
cine.
E-
very
step
she
takes,
my
blood
is
flow-
___
in'.
Her
legs
___
go
on
and
on
for
days
____
____.
Got
a
hold
on
me,
need
the
rem-
ed-
y.
Just
to
her
woud
be
a
cure
for
me.
can't
keep
go-
in'
____
this
way
This
way
____
____
Got-
ta
get
a-
way,
____!
____!
got-
way!
She's
at
the
top
of
her
game,
don't
know
my
___
name,
fu-
ture's
look-
in'
bleak,
she's
out
my
league.
Look
out,
Hey!
she'll
tear
your
heart
___
out.
rock
world,
there's
no
doubt
____.
She
comes
goes
Ah
when
she
wants
to,
_____,
I'd
do
an-
y-
thing
she
want-
ed
me
to
____.
Want-
ed
me
to
Who
would
blame
me,
____!
with
legs
__
like
___
____
__
___
__
that?
___.
makes
me
wan-
na
sin.
My
heart
stops
when
think
bout
com-
___
For
days
___
___.
On
and
on
____
___
____!
on
____!
it's
tra-
ged-
y,
will
ne-
ver
get
chance
to
have
close
She
moves,
takes
breath
A-
_____
Yeah,
moves
______!
moves!
league!
out!
___!
to.
_____!
___
___
____
___
break-
me
down
___,
she's
e-
ver-
____
y-
where
that
wan-
na
go.
_____!
Break-
gets
Ah
__
___
high
when
I'm
feel
low.
____!
on
____
move,
like
roll-
ing
stone.
_____!
Break
-in'
just
one
___
look
cuts
bone.
Like
that!
like
Ah
Like
that!
____!
___.
could
__
that
She
moves
___?
___!
____!
__
grooves
With
that
___!
___,
legs
___
like
___
___
____!
____,
__
__
that!