Born down in a dead man's town
The first kick I took was when+I hit the ground
You end up like a dog that's+been beat too much
Till you spend half your life just cov-er-ing up now
Born in the U-S-A.
I was born in the U-S-A.
I was born in the U-S-A.
Born in the U-S-A now
Got in a lit-tle home+town jam
So they put a ri-fle in my ha-nd
Sent+me off to a for-eign land
To go and kill the yel-low man
Born in the U-S-A.
I was born in the U-S-A yeah
Born in the U-S-A.
I was born in the U-S-A
Come+back home to the re-fin-er-y
Hir-ing man says "Son+if it was up to m-e"
Went down+to see my V-A man
He said "Son, don't+you un-der-stand"+now
Oh yeah
No no
No no no
I had a bro-ther at Khe Sahn fight-ing off the Vi-et Co-ng
They're still+there, he's all gone
He had a wo-man he loved in Sai-gon
I got a pict-ure of him in her arms now
Down+in the sha-dow of+the peni-tent-iary
Out by the gas fires of the ref-in-er-y
I'm ten years burn-ing down+the road
No-where+to run ain't got nowhere+to go
Born in the U-S-A.
I was born in the U-S-A. now
Born in the U-S-A.
I'm a long gone Dad-dy in the U-S-A now.
Born in the U-S-A.
Born in the U-S-A.
Born in the U-S-A.
I'm a cool rock-ing Dad-dy in the U-S-A. now
Oh yeah
No no no
No no no
No no no
No no no