Slip ping a way, just a heart beat from di sas ter
Noth ing could make me stay, close your eyes and I'll be gone
Turn _ the page, yeah, time to start a not her stor y
Slip ping a way, slip ping a way, time to move a long
No rea son to stay
Oh, when I'm slip ping a way
Take a
Slip ping a way
Slip ping a way
No bo dy to pay
Look out, 'cause I'm slip ping a way
Slip ping a way
Slip ping a way
Got no bod y to pay
And yer slip ping _ a _ way
Slip ping a way
Look at your self, you've been run ning in a cir cle
Ro und and round you go, you're a start with out an end
Start a new life, yeah, from the ci ty of the gyp sies
Run ning a way, slip ping a way, right be hind the plow
Rock ing the glass, I won't leave you my re flec tion
A fu ture with out a past, no more road to take me back
Come if you will, just don't ques tion my di rec tion
Run ning a way, slip ping a way, we can find the sun