[Verse 1]
I'm head-ing for the end._______________________________
I found my way a-gain._________________________
I don't feel this could be real.__________
[Chorus 1]
No mat-ter what I say,
No mat-ter what I say,
[Verse 2]
(This) Fake re-al-i-ty._______________________________
It's my worst en-e-my.______________________________
So sick of thougts so emp-ty.__________________
[Chorus 2]
No mat-ter what I say,
No mat-ter what I say,
[Verse 3]
I'm head-ing for the end.___________________
I found my way a-gain._________________________
I don't feel this could be real.__________
[Chorus 3]
No mat-ter what I say,
No mat-ter what I say,
[Verse 1]
On top of this bull-s*** I don't want to hear it.
It's hard to ex-plain it, I know that I hate it.________
I find it so hard, I'm fall-ing a-part.
So much, so much for what,___ for what we said._____
[Chorus 1]
You turn your back a-way,_____
It's nev-er gon-na break you,
It's nev-er gon-na make you____ fall.______
You turn your back a-way,_____
It's nev-er gon-na break you,
It's nev-er gon-na make you____ fall.______
[Verse 2]
(I) nev-er can make up for the time that your tak-ing.
I'm on a mis-sion to feed my ad-dic-tion.
It's well ov-er-flowed, I'm bound to exp-lode.
So much, so much for what,___ for what we said._____
[Chorus 1]
You turn your back a-way,_____
It's nev-er gon-na break you,
It's nev-er gon-na make you____ fall.______
You turn your back a-way,_____
It's nev-er gon-na break you,
It's nev-er gon-na make you____ fall.______
Some-how be-tween the lines it's clear-er,
locked down (and) chained up to the mir-ror.
Some-how be-tween the lines it's clear-er,
Locked down, it takes a part of me.
[Verse 3]
On top of this bull-s*** I don't want to hear it.
It's hard to ex-plain it, I know that I hate it.________
I find it so hard, I'm fall-ing a-part.
So much, so much for what,___ for what we said._____
[Chorus 3]
You turn your back a-way,_____
It's nev-er gon-na break you,
It's nev-er gon-na make you____ fall.______
You turn your back a-way,_____
It's nev-er gon-na break you,
It's nev-er gon-na make you____ fall.______