It seems we're fa-ding kinda fa-a-ast, like the red brake lights rush-ing past. This is mor-ning, wa-king up when you're still at the ba-r, lurk-ing a-round with the queens af-ter da-rk. We're drift-ing, yeah, we're drift-ing, yeah, we're drift-ing a-lo-o-ong, a-lo-ng!
Cut it up, cut it up un-til the pain goes a-way, un-til the pain goes a-way. Cut it up, cut it up, cut it up, cut it up un-til the pain goes a-way, un-til the pain goes a-wa-y.
Whoa-oh! Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh!
Eve-ry-thing on the a-ven-ue's a li-ttle more grey. Cut it up, cut it up and hand it o-ver. I don't wa-nna re-mem-ber.
Eve-ry-thing on the a-ven-ue's a li-ttle more grey, and eve-ry-one's wear-ing just a li-ttle de-cay. Cut it up, cut it up and hand it o-ver; I don't wa-nna re-mem-ber. I don't wa-nna re-mem-ber.
Cut it up, cut it up un-til the pain goes a-way, un-til the pain goes a-way. Cut it up, cut it up, cut it up, cut it up un-til the pain goes a-way. Oh!
When the ship done si-i-inks; when the crew done drow-ow-owns, what am I gon-na do-o-o-o-o? I'm not hang-ing a-rou-ou-nd. This cruise is end-i-i-ing. Please hang on to your stu-u-ub. Thank you for com-i-i-ing and thanks for the lo-o-ve, thanks for the lo-o-ove, lo-o-o-ove!
Let's cut it u-u-u-up! Let's cut it up, let's cut it u-p, let's cut it up, let's cut it up, let's cut it up, let's cut it up 'til the pain goes a-way.