May God bless and keep you always, 愿上帝祝福你赐你永生
May your wishes all come true, 愿你的愿望都能成真
May you always do for others 愿你为他人造福,
And let others do for you. 他人也造福于你
May you build a ladder to the stars 愿你架一座通向星空的阶梯
And climb on every rung, 留下脚印在每一级
May you stay forever young, 愿你永远年轻
Forever young, forever young, 永远年轻,永远年轻
May you stay forever young. 愿你永远年轻
May you grow up to be righteous, 愿你长大后正直不阿
May you grow up to be true, 在未来的日子里保持真诚
May you always know the truth 愿你始终知晓真理,
And see the lights surrounding you. 感受光芒环绕于你
May you always be courageous, 愿你永远无所畏惧
Stand upright and be strong, 昂首阔步 刚正坚毅
May you stay forever young, 愿你永远年轻
Forever young, forever young, 永远年轻,永远年轻
May you stay forever young. 愿你永远年轻
May your hands always be busy, 愿你的双手总是忙碌充实
May your feet always be swift, 愿你的双脚总是潇洒自由
May you have a strong foundation 愿你拥有自己坚固的居所
When the winds of changes shift. 不惧变故的狂风汹涌
May your heart always be joyful, 愿你的内心永远愉悦
May your song always be sung, 愿你的歌曲永远传唱
May you stay forever young, 愿你永远年轻
Forever young, forever young, 永远年轻,永远年轻
May you stay forever young. 愿你永远年轻。