Here comes the soul coll ec ting train of murder a-comin'
It longs to take your put rid black ened soul a-way from you
your face will leave your rott ing head, in the ear ly morn ing
Your guts will leave your corpse, your spine will break and crack in two
It can not be stopped
The train is fueled by chopped bodies
Filled with sorr ow
There is no tomorrow
Tic ket is your life
End ed by a knife
Called the mur der train
E tern i ty of pain
Oh yeah, you know wat im talk in a bout
There is no es cape but death
Your life is just
A mur der train a com in'
Here comes the soul coll ec ting train of murder a-comin'
It longs to take your put rid black ened soul a-way from you
your face will leave your rott ing head, in the ear ly morn ing
Your guts will leave your corpse, your spine will break and crack in two
It can not be stopped
The train is fueled by chopped bodies
Filled with sorr ow
There is no tomorrow
Tic ket is your life
End ed by a knife
Called the mur der train
E tern i ty of pain
There is no es cape but death
Your life is just
A mur der train a com in'