Compiled in two long tabbing sessions between work, the holidays, and such, I'm happy how it turned out. Added formating and lyrics in a third shorter one.
Drum Note: the drums are pretty close to whats on the recorded version, but any live performances will sound play much differently to make up for lack of tambourine and such. The recorded drums are plain Jane, but I decided they are as good of a jumping off point as any for playing it. I'd rather my drummer come up with his own part for it anyways, and thats who I'm tabbing this out for.
Guitar note: I'm aware that there is another guitar part, but decided to just put in dynamic differences to differenciate between the two. But mostly I just didn't want to find a stereo copy of the song to gripe about panning and seperation of parts.
Brass/Trumpet Note: I'd hope you know pretty well how to transpose to your own instrument, so I decided to put everything in concert pitch so that its fairly easy for a keyboardist or anyone else to play they parts on the chance that there aren't any trumpet players in the band
Accordian Note: I don't have an accordian, so I'm not 100% sure of how music is written for it. I just wrote it like I would have played it on a keyboard, cause chances are that I will in the near future.
Remember: Sing in your nose, and really drag R sounds
First Guitar is cleaner, Second has a little dirt
Bump the mids on your amp, specifically for the solo. Better yet, have a lead boost pedal to bring it out.
Fairly sure these are all trumpets, but the bottom line might be a trombone.
Put your own spin on whats on the page. Things will sound better that way.
Included because it's on the song, not because I expect anyone to play it.
Second guitar joins
1 Guitar
+Guitar 2
Second Guitar Alone
If you brought a dedicated bongo player to play this part and this part alone in a live performance, you should probably reavaluate your lineup
Both Guitars
Guitar 1
Lead boost pls