In this lesson we will learn how to find particular note on
guitar neck. It is hard lesson - you should read this
info many times. You have to understand this before
downloading next part of school!
Ex. 1 - Look at this. This example shows to us that we
can play the same melody on different strings. Why?
Ex. 2 - You have to remember this: !!!We can find the
same note on for example [7th fret of three first strings
and 2nd fret of higher string] and [6th fret of three first
strings and 1st fret of higher string]!!!. Look at the
Ex. 3 - Look at this - do you now understand why we
can play the same melody on different strings? No?
Look at this, then look at previous example. And now?
No? Then look at both exercises again. Keep looking
at them until you'll understand what am I talking about.
Ex. 4 - To find the same note on fourth and fifth string
we have to use different method - look at the example.
Ex. 5 - To find the same note on fifth and sixth string we
have to use a method that we were using when we
were looking for the same note on first four strings.
There are six strings on guitar. Starting with the
thickest string their names are: E, A, D, G, B, E. Now
let's learn the notes. Here is a map of the fretboard with
the notes labeled:
O - means open string. For example, when we are
playing open A string we are playing A note and so on...
The labeled notes in the above diagram are known as
a Natural Notes. Unlabeled notes are known as sharps
(marked by "#" in music) and as flats (marked by "b").
For example, the note on the D string between F and G
is known as either sharp F (F sharp - F#) and as flat G
(G flat - Gb). "A sharp indicates the Natural notes pitch
is raised a semi-tone, a flat note is the natural pitch
lowered a semi-tone." When you see sharp near any
note you have to put your finger one fret FURTHER
than fret on which you can find that note and when you
see flat near any note you have to put your finger one
fret closer than fret on which you can find that note.
"Notice that there is no B# (aka Cb) nor is there an E#
(or Fb). This is a universal rule in music."
As you see we have 12 notes in the music: C, C#, D,
D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B.
You noticed for sure that there are many places on
guitar neck to play for example A note. Some of them
are exactly the same pich - others sound different. They
are still A notes but played on different pitch. We will
learn more about it later. If you understand this lesson -
download next one. In other case spend more time with
it. Remember that you have to know where
you can find particular notes on the fretboard. I
know that this lesson is boring but understanding this
stuff is necessary if you want to make music. See you in
next part :)
Ex. 2
Ex. 3
Ex. 4
Ex. 5