标题:Drum-Tabbing For Newbies
指示:Send comments and tell what you think! Maybe you rate this Exercise... I hope you learn sth. and you like it!?
Important explanations:
A drumset mainly consists of shells (Toms, Bass- and
Snare drum) and cymbals (Ride, Hi-Hat,...). Sometimes
it has some exotic stuff (chimes, percussions,...) which
good drummers use.
The Bass drum (35/36) is used to support the bass
guitar; or, how I say: it tells stories. They are used with
a pedal (you play it with your foot). Drummers often
have "double basses" so they are able to play fast
bass lines.
The Snare(38/40) drum is used to underline the rythm:
it kicks your ass!
The Toms (50/48/47/45/43/41) are needed for fills
(short stuff you play for variety).
The cymbals (42/46/49/51/52/53/55/57/59) are
used as ride and accent parts of the
drumset. Drummers use the Hi-Hat, Ride or other fitting
cymbals as "ride": You hit them permanently in the
rythm (you beat the regulary track beat). Some cymbals
are used as accents. They push or accentuate beats.
A special cymbal is the Hi-Hat: It is put up on a stand
with a pedal. A drummer is able to push the Hi-Hat (two
cymbals) together or open them. Cymbals have a "bell"
which is bright and soft. Especially the Ride's bell is
used as for riding. (understood?)
I often use the drum kit 0 because it is a basic drumset.
The others (16 or 24 for example) have other sounds.
How you see in the introduction, I show you the
different parts of a drumset. It's much opener if you
give an own line to every instrument (of course, it is
given to you)! In bar 5 you see two different Crash
cymbals. You can see one of them as an accent
cymbal (49) and the other one a ride cymbal (57).
In the example I show you two patterns in which I used
all "stuff" a drummer plays in four bars. It's just there so
that you see a drum pattern in that way I (will) teach
In the Hi-Hat-Using you see how to use a Hi-Hat.
Played with one hand or two you are able to create a
funny, pushing and maybe lazy rythm. Everything you
want... what you can see in the second part pf H-H-U!
The using of cymbals: Some are made for riding, others
for accents (I told you). The ride cymbal is made for
riding only (the name sais it)! It would sound loud and
bad if you play it as a crash!... The Splash is often just
as an accent. Sometimes it sounds terrible as ride. The
Crash'n'stuff are suitable for both.
The Snare: It's a pushin' and kickin' drum. It lets
you feel the rythm and it supports. Some guys use it
like a ride-cymbal (as in a march or death-metal,...).
And the Bass: It is used for "guitar-like" stuff. Some
drummers play the same stuff (bar 41) in every song
(Wolfgang Petri,...)... Some drummers "tell stories".
You see I used the Tremolo Picking for a drumset !?
It's just laziness (sometimes it's confusing but it works)!
The Toms are used for fills and sometimes as rides
(solos and fast pushing stuff like "Know" - System Of A
At inquiry I would tab a 2nd part of "Drum-Tabbing For
Newbies" with more stuff (inclusive Guitars,...).
I hope I help you to tab drum tracks! Questions and/or
comments are totally welcome! Search for the
Composition-Artist "Slippy" with the searching machine
on MSB and listen to some songs (for example
"Faces", "Ab Geht Die Muddi" or "Get It") ! Or see in
my profile which songs I already tabbed for bands ( for
example the song of my band Mind - Men In New
♩ = 120
And all together:...
Now some bars with some variations...
...sometimes with two hands...
...play-alongs with the snare and bass...
...or accents...
Some as ride, some as accents...
...like a Hi-Hat...
...and for variety...
...and for rudeness or exotic stuff...
Pushing stuff...
...funny stuff...
...crazy stuff...
...stuff like that, you know...
...or Heavy-Metal!!!....
Pop music...
...or other variations...
Tempo: 100 BPM
Fast stuff...
Tempo: 120 BPM
The n-tuplet is used very often...
For fills...
...longer stuff...
...or variety...
...grace notes as a beat with both sticks...