I'm winning, you're losing
I'm falling, your a-go-ny
Lower than lower, be-fore
Your for-got-ten mem-or-y
heaven, your hell
I'm killing, your fan-ta-sy
More and more, you follow
Your divo-rced re-a-li-ty
trying to take me
You're trying to make me
This is the on-ly
Give me the on-ly thing
tired or try-ing
I'm tired of ly-ing
The on-ly thing I un-der-stand is what I feel
I-den-ti-ty, fan-tas-y,
he-res-y, kil-ling me.
Low-er, than low-er, be-fore
This thing to feed!
Hy-po-crite, lu-na-tic,
fa-nat-ic, he-re-tic.
More, and more, you fol-low
Your divo-rced re-al-it-y.