I went down to the cross-roads,
Tried to flag on a ride
I went down to the cross-roads
Tried to flag a ride
No-bod-y seemed to know me
Ev-'ry-bod-y passed me by
I went down to the cross-roads,
Fell down on my knees
I went down to the cross-roads
Fell down on my knees
Asked the Lord a-bove for mer-cy
Said please, if ypou please.
I am go-in' down to Ros-dale
Ta-kin' my rid-er by my side
I am go-in' down to Ros - dale
Take my rid-er by my side.
We can still bar-rel house ba -by,
Al-ways on the riv-er side.__
You can run, you can run
Go 'n' tell my friend, poor Willie Brown
You can run, you can run,
Go 'n' tell my friend poor Will-ie Brown.
An' Im stand-i n' out at this cross-roads
I be-lieve i'm sink-in' down