Dis is only modified!
can't say i was the one who tabbed it all..
i like the solo!
April 21, 2007 ------> Retabbed the solo as well as the
outro...no more second Ray doin
the solo!!! hehe...
April 23, 2007 -------> Made little mods to the tab, put a
bit more slides, tweaked the
second vesre and Frank's part
in the solo
April 28, 2007 -------> Fixed Ray's solo just a tiny bit...
RoK RuLez!!!
100% pinoy ito!!!! hehehe...
May 5, 2007 --------> Again wid Ray!!! GAD!!! I swear,
If fix one of his parts again, I'ma
rip his glowing fro right off his
head!!!....Fixed his part in the
chorus...Mikey's part as well..
Buti pa ung Bass, rinig! pakshet
baluga naman oh.....haaayyy....
good times :D
May 7, 2007 --------> OK!!! I swear, this is the LAST
time i'ma modify this forsaken
tab!!! hehe...iunno..maybe not?
ok, fixed the drums....the bass...
the RHYTHM...so that's how you
spell "rhythm"..not "rythm"....
hehe..bobo...okie..that's bout it!
enjoy :D
May 8, 2007 --------> OK....More adjustments!!!...
haha....fixed Ray's Part in
Verse 2....um....Fixed the bass
a bit more....Fixed the chords
being used in the solo...
And fixed Frank's
part before the solo and his
Enjoy!!! =D