I'm call-i-ing out, on-ly ech-oes re-spond
But I scream 'til my voice is gone
Crouch-ing in cor-ners and hi-ding your face
I'm sick and ti-red of play-ing your games
I'm not a-lone
I stand a-mongst the voice-less mill-ions in the un-for-giv-ing sun
Here arm in arm we pa-rade these streets
And sing our songs.
Is there e-ven an-y-thing left to ex-plain?
Am i real-ly some-one you need to re-strain?
Can't you lis-ten to what we have to say?
Un-know-ing, we lie and wait for the rain
To wash a-way what they have made
Face down in the dirt with your foot on my back
In the dis-tance I hear thun-der-crack
C'-mon, stand up!
This sys-tem of po-wer and priv-ilege is a-bout to come to an end
Here come the clouds
The first drop is fal-ling down
Is there e-ven an-y-thing left to ex-plain?
Am i real-ly some-one you need to re-strain?
Can't you lis-ten to what we have to say?
Our fu-tures burn in red ho-ri-zons
Ash-es scat-tered in winds of change
Cas-ual-ty num-bers are ris-ing
No-ow it's time to raise the stakes
We're meant for some-thing more than
Liv-ing just to put food on our plates
I can't help but won-der why-y should we par-ti-ci-pate?
Is there e-ven an-y-thing left to ex-plain?
Am i real-ly some-one you need to re-strain?
Can't you lis-ten to what we have to say?