Ma-mas put your ba-bies to sleep
sto-ry too cruel-some for them this is
In Ju-nior high she said good-bye
to her par-ents and ran a-way with a boy.
She left her fam-i-ly warm and kind, all of her friends said "you're out of your mind". Life of her own she would find, it's mon-day and she's got-ta grind.
Job as a wait-ress she sure was to find
beau-ti-ful face, mind of a child
Boy got her preg-nant, Ma-ry-Lou cried
"For this I am too young oh why did you lie"
You said "it's o-kay if we do it to-day"
I was so scared that you would go away
"Des-pite all the pa-pers been signed,
ma-ma take me back be so ki-i-i-i-ind
O-nly a child, reck-less and wild
needs to come home a-gai-ai-ain
He prom-ised the moon but won't mar-ry you
Noth-ing to do, eat-ing for two
he's go-in' out with some-one new
Sun-shine or rain, it's all the same, life is-n't gray
oh Ma-ry-Lou.
Ma-mas do your child-ren still sleep
in the safe of their cra-dles so sweet
Sto-ry I told you I have for-seen,
Your lit-tle an-gel ain't al-ways so clean
Days to come aren't ea-sy to see
You can change 'em but it is-n't free
I see that you don't be-lieve, ooo-oo, but you will see.
O-nly a child, reck-less and wild
needs to come home a-gai-ai-ain
He prom-ised the moon but won't mar-ry you
Noth-ing to do, eat-ing for two
he's go-in' out with some-one new
Sun-shine or rain, it's all the same, life is-n't gray
oh Ma-ry-Lou.
O-nly a child, reck-less and wild
needs to come home a-gai-ai-ain
He prom-ised the moon but won't mar-ry you
Noth-ing to do, eat-ing for two
he's go-in' out with some-one new
Sun-shine or rain, it's all the same, life is-n't gray
oh Ma-ry-Lou.
O-nly a child, reck-less and wild
needs to come home a-gai-ai-ain
He prom-ised the moon but won't mar-ry you
Noth-ing to do, eat-ing for two
he's go-in' out with some-one new
Sun-shine or rain, it's all the same, life is-n't gray
oh Ma-ry-Lou.
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh