Ow, for-give me fa-ther for I have sinned.
I磛e been through hell and back a-gain.
Shook hands with the dev-il, looked him in the eye.
Looked like a lang lost friend.
Oh, an-y-thing you want, an-y dirt-y deeds.
He磗 got ev-磖y-thing 碿ept what I real-ly need.
Keep-in me tem-po-rar-磍y sat-is-fied,
but not one thing I tried filled me up in-side
or felt like mine. Mine, all mine.
Yeah, the search goes on.
The more I look, my world keeps get-tin small-er.
Star-ing at the sun, search-in for the light,
al-most end-ed up blind-ed.
Some on-ly see what they want to see, claim-ing vic-to-ry.
Oh, but that磗 not me.
Give me the truth.
Give me some-thing real.
I just want to feel like it磗 mine,
all mine.
Ooh, real-ly mine
Come on and give me some-thing
Some-thing that磗 mine, all mine, all mine.
Mine, all mine.
All the words on the wall
look the same in the mir-or
ev-磖y rid-dle and ev-磖y clue
Oh, you got Al-lah in the East,
you got Je-sus in the West,
Christ, What磗 a man to do?
They磍l find a cure for an-y-thing.
Just kill the pain or numb my brain.
We see a man speak-ing the word of God,
prov-in to be a fraud. Ah, his own church ap-plauds.
Stop look-in out, start look-in in.
Be your own best friend.
Stand up and say, hey!
This is mine, ooh, all mine.
Yeah, ba-by, you got some-thin?
And I got some-thin?
Hey! and it磗 mine, all mine, all mine.
Yes, I磎 search-in?
Whoa. Got to have it.
Well. Got to. Got to. Got to.
Got to have it! Ow!
Oh, oh, oh.
You got, you got, you got, you got!