This tab was originally made by The SwordSoul and
supergirl. However, when I picked it up, at first I
thought it was perfect, but later started to spot some
mistakes/notes missing.
So, I did the following:
-Added 'echo' guitar
-Added lyrics and corrected vocal track on places for
lyrics to fit (however, the vocals are still not perfect, but
that doesn't matter anyway, guitars matter, right?)
- corrected the intro (I'm pretty sure there are 4.25
beats in the first two bars)
-corrected verse riff
-corrected pre chorus riff
-corrected solos a bit, added missing notes, corrected
additional guitar
-added palm mutes, slides, stacatto etc where I saw fit
-the bass and drum lines are almost intact (just edited
the first to bars to fit odd measure)
pick slide
for some reason this note is played stacatto in GP
but shouldn't be
My favorite part...
Additional guitar