There you were freak-ing out.
Tryin' to get your head a-round the fact that me and you and love is dead.
See how I'm trip-ping out
'cause you can't de-cide what you real-ly want from me.
Why does it have to be like this?
I can ne- ver tell.
'Cause you make me love you, love you ba-by
with a lit- tle L.
There you were shout-ing out.
Crank-ing up your al-ter-ca-tions, get-ting up-set in your des-par-a-tion.
Scream-ing and hol-ler-ing.
How could this love be-come so pa-per thin?
You're play-ing so hard to get.
You're mak-ing me sweet just to hold your at-ten-tion.
I can't give you no-thing more
if you ain't giv-ing no-thing to me.
Don't you know that.
You make me love you, love you ba-by
with a lit- tle L.
Why does it have to be like this?
I can ne- ver tell.
Seems like you're step-ping on the pie- ces
of my bro-ken shell.
'Cause you make me love you, love you
with a lit-tle L you know,
that's the way you make me love you yeah.
Why does it have to be like this?
I can ne- ver tell.
You make me love you, love you ba-by
with a lit- tle L.
Why does it have to be like this?
I can ne- ver tell.
You make me love you, love you ba-by
with a lit- tle L.
Why does it have to be like this?
I can ne- ver tell.
You make me love you, love you ba-by
with a lit- tle L.
Why does it have to be like this?
I can ne- ver tell.
You make me love you, love you ba-by
with a lit- tle L.
Why does it have to be like this?
I can ne- ver tell.
You make me love you, love you ba-by
with a lit- tle L.
Why does it have to be like this?
I can ne- ver tell.
You make me love you, love you ba-by
with a lit- tle L.
Why does it have to be like this?
I can ne- ver tell.
You make me love you, love you ba-by
with a lit- tle L.
Why does it have to be like this?
I can ne- ver tell.
You make me love you, love you ba-by
with a lit- tle L.