Ain't like an y oth er day, fi n'lly comes a time to de cide. I won't spend a noth er day, stuck here in the same old bind
I can see my self as much too strong, to let this thing go on so long. It ain't a case of right or wrong, I'll put my self back up where I be long
Can't you see, I've had e nough. Oh, Whoa. Can't you see, I've had e nough. Ba by, I've had e nough
I don't for get too eas i ly, yer the one who told me a lie. Now you know yer free to be, an y bo dy's lov er but mine
I can see my self as much too young, it's not too late to stick to my guns.
I'll take it right back to square one, when you turn a round to look for me, I'll be gone
Can't you see, I've had e nough. Oh, Whoa. Can't you see, I've had e nough. Ba by, I've had e nough
Why cant you see what you have done to me, I'm not too sure of it my self. The an swer lies in a whole new be gin ning, the sec ond time a round
Can't you see, I've had e nough. Oh, Whoa. Can't you see, I've had e nough. Oh!
Can't you see, I've had e nough. Ba by, I've had e nough. Had E nough. Ah! Had E nough