Pyramids Rising
* Bucketfel - Everything
Between Sea and Sky
* Eraserbot - Original guitar
* Bucketfel - Fixing guitar, tabbed bass, and drums
Land Drawings
* Eraserbot - Original Guitar
* Bucketfel - Minor detail fixing on all the guitar track,
tab all bass and drums
Launch Pad
* Eraserbot - All guitars
* Bucketfel - small fixes throughout guitars, tabbed
bass and drums
Telescape 1
* Eraserbot - Fully tabeed Guitar I, Clean, and Steel
* Bucketfel - Minor fixes throughout all guitars,
tempo and timing fixes. Tabbed synth, bass, and
Telescape 2
* Eraserbot - Original Guitar
* Bucketfel - Fixing guitar on all sections, tempo fixing,
tabbed all of the solo, bass, and drums.