Everything from here until bar 39 is made by
electronic drum pads.
This part is again played on a drum pad,
but a high tom sounds ok.
Panned center.
Tap around the bell.
Panned left-center.
This riff just begs for being played like this,
with tapping, just for fun. :)
If you choose the tapping-way, this shift here
is where it gets really interesting!
If you choose the tapping-way, this shift here
is where it gets really interesting!
Panned back to the left.
Panned back to the right.
Faded out.
Panned to the left sliding.
Panned left-center. Faded in.
Fade out while panned back to the right sliding.
(gradually lift the palm muting)
Wah-wah in neutral position.
Panned back to the left.
It's drum pads from here until bar 168.
Turned out and faded back in.
It's obvious for the singer to clap the rhythm.
It's a clap on every beat in a poly-rhythmic 5/4.
The hand claps (drum pad) play every beat in
The hand claps (drum pad) play every beat
in a poly-rhythmic 5/4.
The hand claps (drum pad) play every beat in
a poly-rhythmic 5/4.
a poly-rhythmic 5/4.
Guitar 2 is ahead with the slide.