So, here you are, " The Sword Of Witcher"
It's pretty good, I think, no any big mistakes, there
might be few a little ones, especially drums ain't
correct, but this was best I could do.
This is made from music video, so there is that
beginning part, i'm not sure is it on the soundtrack
Please use RSE.
Eli t鋝s t滗 ny on. voi olla jotai pikku mokii siel t滗l,
mut yleisesti ottaen oon aika tyytyv鋓nen,
lukuunottamatta rumpuja.
t滗 on tehty pelk鋝t滗n musavideon avulla, joten t滗l
on toi alkuhommeli, en oo varma onks se varsinaisel
soundtrackil ( jos semmost onkaa )
K鋣t RSE:t ku soitat t鋞