注释:
took
some
time
a-
way
For
un-
der-
stand-
ing
of
what
brought
us
here
to-
day
oh
Oh
you'll
be
the
end
me
I'm
ne-
ver
hap-
py
like
we
were
hap-
py
I'm
ne-
ver
sad
when
we
were
sad
You
know
me
all
to
well
And
can't
supp-
ress
mem-
or-
ies
You're
gone
and
can
tell
That
I've
lost
more
than
ev-
er
see
Don't
say
that
it's
not
fair
your
per-
son
you
wan-
na
be
Cause
Oh
know
was-
n't
per-
fect
but
kept
try-
Till
for-
got
why
stayed
oh
Yeah
we
all
mean-
ing
We
lost
the
mag-
ic
So
good
luck
to
you
on
your
way
oh
Oh
you'll
be
the
end
of
me
too
you're
oh
You'll
get
it
no
get
it
Gave
more
than
took
back
oh
well
Can't
help
those
who
don't
wan-
na
be
helped
You
know
me
all
too
well
oh
You'll
be
the
end
of
me