Stum-bling thru the dark with a bro-ken heart, all a-lone at it once a-gain.
See- ping in like a fee- ling you ha-ven't felt since way back when.
In the dead of that night, like the su-mmer of Sam,
I caught word of the com-mo-tion you caused vi-a te-le-gram and got all worked up.
We got all worked up.
I found a-way, o-ver the fear and through the flames.
I'm div-ing in, don't fol- low me.
Stay right here, I'll be back for you some- day.
I found a-way, it'd be best if you just stayed.
It's not safe, don't fol-low me.
I found a-way, I found a-wa-a-ay.
Fro- zen in the lights of a lo-co-mo-tive, tied to the tracks a-gain.
You said you ha-ven't felt this co-ma-tose since ya can't re-mem-ber when.
You fly off the han-dle e-very time we sleep.
Straight off the deep.
I found a-way, o-ver the fear and through the flames.
I'm div-ing in, don't fol- low me.
Stay right here, I'll be back for you some- day.
I found a-way, it'd be best if you just stayed.
It's not safe, don't fol-low me.
I found a-way, I found a-wa-a-a-ay.
From the top of my lungs the truth shall be sung.
Sharp and damn-ing, vio- lent-ly sta-bbing at se-cre- cy.
That look on your face, it's more than I can take.
It's scar- ing the liv-ing hell straight out of me.
'nd I found a-way, o-ver the fear and through the flames.
I'm div-ing in, don't fol- low me.
Stay right here, I'll be back for you some- day.
I found a-way, it'd be best if you just stayed.
It's not safe, don't fol-low me.
I found a-way, I found a-wa-ay.
'nd I found a-way, I found a-way, I found a-wa- ay.
I found a-way, I found a-way, I found a-wa- ay.
I found a-way, I found a-way, I found a-wa- ay.
I found a-way, I found a-way, I found a-wa- a-a-ay.