艺人: 郑成河  (乐谱: 1324  粉丝: 1108)
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Kiss The Rain

Kiss The Rain吉他谱 Kiss The Rain吉他谱 Kiss The Rain吉他谱 Kiss The Rain吉他谱
妖精的葬礼 发表于 2012-9-20 18:15:08 |查看: 19150|回复: 4


jjlu 发表于 2016-1-2 10:51:30
社长大人好  从网上一直找原版终于找到了     请问是想视频里一样吗变调夹夹6543弦?
dysthymia 发表于 2016-1-2 10:59
夹3,4,5弦,上面有说明,the capo is on the second fret of 3rd 4th 5th strings, and the tuning is kinda weird too..This one, good luck getting partial capo and tuning and good luck learning too:)
Apologi_tqcmG 发表于 2016-11-17 15:21:04
变调夹 怎么夹啊 6弦夹吗?
飞流 发表于 2017-1-16 00:24:25 来自手机版网站(扫码访问)