for my friend William T.
Guys, I'm sorry this tab is kinda messy:( It's really hard
to put triplets in those whole bunch of notes. I tried to
make this sound as close as possible to what he plays,
but please forgive me for making this tab inconsistent
in terms of the triplet. I believe the notes are correct, so
maybe you guys can play the notes with your
preferable rhythm, whether with triplet feel or without,
up to you:)
By the way, I'm finally graduating high-school! And I
was able to grab the First-Honorable-Mension spot,
and Best-In-Mathematics and in Science. My guitar
was always there when i needed some stress-reliever,
and I also thank those guys who left some heart-
warming comments on my ulti-guitar page. I gotta be
busy starting June because that's when my college life
starts. I will try to submit tabs as much as i can, but i'm
sorry if i can't answer your requests..Anyway, as usual,
have fun learning and good luck in whatever you guys
are facing:) -Yuji-
Please press F5 for my comment before you
guys start playing:)