I know I'm part of some-thing great-er than my-self
Don't know the mean-ing but I hope that mat-ters less
I don't know a-ny-thing when I'm fac-tored out of scale
I know I'm part of some-thing great-er than my-self
We're all en-gag-ing in a game of at-tri-tion
May-be God is just a chem-i-cal fict-ion
I'm a mon-key with a mad-ding af-flic-tion
Fact check-ing for a men-tal con-di-tion
I know I'm part of some-thing great-er than my-self
Don't know the mean-ing but I hope that mat-ters less
I don't know a-ny-thing when I'm fac-tored out of scale
I know I'm part of some-thing great-er than my-self