eve-ry-bo-dy wants do dance in a play-pen,
but no-bo-dy wants to play in my gar-den.
I see the hip-pies on an an-gry line,
guess they don't get my mean-ing,
I'm en-chan-ted by the birds in my blos-soms,
I'm en-am-ored by young lov-ers on the week-end,
I like the Forth of Ju-ly,
when bombs start flash-ing,
and I wish I had a shi-ny red top,
a bu-gle with a big brass bell would cheer me up,
or may-be some-thing big-ger that could real-ly go pop!
so I could make the garden-ing stop
come out to play, come out to play,
and we'll pre-tend it's Christ-mas Day
in my a-to-mic
all my sci-en-tists are work-ing on a dead-line,
so my psy-cho-lo-gist is work-ing day and night-time,
they say they know what's best for me,
but they don't know what they're do-ing,
and I'm glad I'm not Gor-ba-chev,
'cause I'd wig-gle all night,
like jel-ly in a pot,
at least he's got a gar-den with a fer-tile plot,
and a par-ty that will ne-ver stop,
come out to play, come out to play,
and we'll pre-tend it's Christ-mas Day
in my a-to-mic
I hope there's not-hing wrong out there,
I'm watch-ing from my room in-side my room
come out to play, come out to play,
and we'll pre-tend it's Christ-mas Day
in my a-to-mic gar-den