Wa sted days and ci- ga- rettes
Cracked ce- ment and pa- alms
Bo- dhi- dhar- ma has gone fis- sion
With your ve- dic mo- om
Yeah the Ser- geant Ma- jor is drea- min' of ge- nie
And she's armed with a bor- rowed pol- ka dot bi- ki- ni
Oh yeah- eah- eah to- mor- row's co- ming down
like Dhar- ma and the bo- omb
Fal- ling dow- own
Fal- ling dow- own
like Dhar- ma and the bomb
Fal- ling dow- own
Fal- ling dow- own
Like Dhar- ma and the bomb
The shal- lows seem e- van- ge- li- cal
When you're slammed up a- gainst a wa- all
And your stoked to watch all cre- a- tion go o- ver the fa- alls
Yeah Ka- li is co- ming and you'd bet- ter be- lieve it
That girl's got the a- tom and the Bhaga- vad Gi- ta
Oh yeah- eah sam- sa- ra's co- ming down like Dhar- ma and the bomb
Fal- ling dow- own
Fal- ling dow- own
like Dhar- ma and the bomb
Fal- ling dow- own
Fal- ling dow- own
Like Dhar- ma and the bomb
Dhar- ma and the bomb
Dhar- ma and the bomb
Dhar- ma and the bomb
Dhar- ma and the bomb