Well you scratch and you scratch, 'til your face comes a-way
re-placed by a hole or vor-tex, just waiting to play;
I com-mend your vi-o-lence
well i en-ter a key with my wrist stic-king out
the soles of my feet worn down to a dus-ty mess
I'll stay numb to these ac-ci-dents
Well you talk and you talk like you're try-ing to shock me
I don't e-ven know what the fuck we're still ar-gu-ing a-bout;
main-tain my si-l-ence
You're a shame to your dad cause your kill-ing his days
Ir-res-pon-si-ble, like you've on-ly your-self to blame;
main-tain your friend-li-ness
Well you talk and you talk like you're try-ing to shock me
I don't e-ven know what the fuck we're still ar-gu-ing a-bout;
main-tain my si-l-ence
you're won-der-ing what, you're ex-haus-ted, ex-haus-ted
from us-ing these lies; I'm sure you'll re-gress a-gain
main-tain your si-l-ence
I've been crip-pled by shock, shocked a-gain
I'll con-tin-ue to doubt your vi-o-lence, with kis-ses of hate that si-l-ence
I've been crip-pled by shock, shock shock shock shock shock