Hell yeah Hell yeah Hell yeah Hell yeah If I were God there would be no ex-pli-cit sex on T-V. Like lit-tle O-pie eat-ing pie when he made it with Aunt Bea. If I were God thou shall not wor-ship false Bil-ly I-dols. And thou shall add the Book Of Fla-vor Flav to the Bi-ble. Thou shall make fun of Hin-dus thou shall not make a "Speed 2" If I were God that's what I'd do hea-vens no. Hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah. If I were God I'd get a bunch of slaves to do eve-ry-thing. Nor-we-gian les-bi-ans that feed me grapes and know how to sing. If I were God thou shall not wear tube socks with Flip-Flops. Thou shall sit and thou shall spin thou shall e-ven wife swap. Thou shall re-sist the Ol-sen Twins thou shall not cut "Foot-loose" If I were God that's what I'd do hea-vens no. Hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah. And when they nail my pim-pled ass to the cross I'll tell them I found Je-sus that should throw them off He goes by the name Je-sus and steals hub-caps from cars Oh Je-sus can I borr-ow your crow-bar? To pry these God damn nails out they're be-gin-ning to hurt Cru-ci-fied and all I got was this lou-sy T-shirt. I Can't Be-lieve It's Not But-ter I'll sing as I'm flogged. Yeah that's what I would do if I were God. So vote for me for Sa-vior and you'll go to hea-ven. Your lame duck Lord is like Ke-vin Spa-cey in "Se-ven" With cree-py threats of H-E-Dou-ble-Hoc-key-Stick. You just can't teach an old God new tricks. But would I be a good Mes-si-ah with my low self-es-teem? If I don't be-lieve in my-self would that be blas-phe-my? Just sport some crum-my ho-li-er than thou fa-cade. Yeah that's what I would do if I were God