This is a fun, easy song. I would say it's one of
Entwine's best, though it doesn't seem to get much
recognition. To be perfectly honest, I have no idea
how they tune for this song, since I thought they used
Drop C most of the time, but the song clearly goes
down to a low B frequently, and live videos I've seen
make it look like they're playing in B Standard or
possibly even lower. In the end, I just wrote it out the
way I thought people would be able to play it most
The keyboards aren't perfect. I'm not great at taking
apart big chords by ear, so I just tried to get the gist of
most of them. Keyboardists, feel free to correct me.
The tab might be a little less accurate toward the end,
since the last section repeats so many times and I had
a little bit of trouble keeping everything straight, but
again, it should be close enough to be playable. I
would happily accept any corrections or suggestions.
As always, guitar, bass and keyboards are my own
work, and drums are by Sousoke cc.
Enjoy, stay metal my friends. \m/
Press f5 for information and lyrics.