注释:
al-
ways
knew
that
like
this
pla-
ce
You
don't
have
to
look
too
fa-
ar
find
a
frien-
dly
face
feel
a-
live
when
I'm
wal-
king
down
the
streets
the
heart
of
cit-
y
poun-
ding
un-
der
neath
my
fe-
et
Yeeeee-
aaahhhh
Let
the
world
keep
sp-
inning
r-
ound
and
rou
-nd
This
is
where
it
all
go-
es
down...
down...
down...
That's
wh-
y
love
this
town
co-
ming
aro-
und
Say
hey!
yeah!
You
make
me
feel
at
home
some-
how,
right
now
got
some
good
friends
here,
mi-
ght
have
bro-
ken
a
heart
or
two
It's
get-
ting
loud
o-
ver
there
boys
must
have
had
a
f-
e-
e-
w
And
there's
a
cop
in
cor-
ner,
he
kno-
ws
eve-
ry-
bo-
dy's
name
kid
with
dream
sing-
ing
for
some
spare
lo-
ses
change
Ye-
ahhhhhhh...
s-
pin-
ning
round
rou-
nd
down,
down,
down
go-
ing
Say
town
They're
shou-
ting
on
the
roof-
tops
and
dan-
cing
bars
Han-
ging
out
win-
dow
dri-
ving
in
their
fa-
mous
cars
You
want
it?
You
got
it!
You're
rea-
dy
I'm
on
it
Come
now
Here
we
go
a-
gai-
nnnnn
to-
wn
No
mat-
ter
where
you
from,
to-
night
you're
from
right
here
This
is
it
all
goes
down,
down,
down
love
this
town
Say
looooooooo-
veee
this