1 - These double-stops are deliberatly fairly messy, try
not to play them too cleanly.
2 - Sounds like the guitar has a volume control for
each pickup. If you have a similar guitar, play the
song with the bridge pickup, volume on 6 or 7 (Might
want to turn up the drive on your amp to compensate),
and have the neck pickup set to full. In bar 53, flick
back and forth between the pickups. Listen carefully in
the song and you'll hear it.
3 - Yeah, strummed 16th triplets. Have fun.
4 - This part of the solo is super messy. When we get
to bar 66, just make disgusting noises. Use what I've
tabbed there as a guide, nothing more.
See notes - 1
See notes - 2
See notes - 3
See notes - 4
See notes - 3
See notes - 3
See notes - 4