On the edge, spi-rit be-gins to break
Chan-ces un-sure, not much more you can take
Weak-ness grows, nerves start to crack
Far from safe, there is no tur-ning back
A fine line, bet-ween vic-tory and de-feat
At the mid-point, un-cer-tain-ty com-plete
Con-fu-sion pre-vails, un-sure which way to move
Hold-ing no hope, there is no-thing more
No-thing more to prove
Try-ing to dis-co-ver what is right
And what is wrong
Judged by false cri-te-ri-as
I-de-als strong
Mis-for-tune pre-dic-ta-ble
Les-sons learned be-fore
De-ci-sions now jus-ti-fied
Per-pe-tu-ate this war
This bat-tle-field wide o-pen
No ter-ri-to-ry gained
With-in this waste-land
Hu-ma-ni-ty con-strained
Here in no man's land
No mer-cy can be found
De-li-ri-ous pers-pec-tive
Ar-ma-ged-don bound!