An- gel came down from heav- en yes- ter- day
she stay- ed with me just long e- nough to
res- cue me. _____ _____ ___________
And she told me a
sto- ry yes- ter- day
a- bout the sweet love bet- ween the moon and the
deep blue sea __ _____ ____________
And then she spreed her wings high
o-ver me. ____ _____ She said she's
go - ing to come back to-mor- row. ______
An' I said,
fly on my sweet
an- gel
fly on through the
sky. _____ _____ _____
Fly on my sweet
an- gel, _______ to-mor- row I'm gon- na be by your
side. _____ _____________
Sure e-nough, this morn- ing came on to me,
sil- ver winged sil- hou- ette a- gainst a child's ______
sun- rise. ________
And my an- gel, she
said un- to me,
"To- day is the day for
you to rise. ____ ______ _____ _________
Take my hand, you're gon- na be my man. You're
gon- na rise" _____ _____ ___________ And then she
took me high o- ver
yon- der, _______ __ _____ Lord.
And I said,
fly on, my sweet
an- gel, ____ _____
fly on through the
sky. _________ _____
Fly on my sweet
an- gel _____ _____ for- ev- er I will be by
your side.
Ooh, hoo, hoo