FRETMONKEY 发表于 2018-4-10 11:40:55 |查看: 2307|回复: 1|阅读模式
FRETMONKEY - Aaron Edward - _Shaman_ - Ortega Guitars Artist - Fingerstyle Acoustic Guitar

这首歌曲是来自唱片厂牌FRETMONKEY旗下大师Aaron Edward的原创曲目。《Shaman》在国内经常音译为萨满,在国外即为巫师的意思。Edward在演奏中使用的是Ortega吉他,大家也可以一并欣赏一下高端手工吉他的绝美音色。
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亚伦·爱德华(AaronEdward),美国,是来自俄克拉何马州塔尔萨的吉他手和作曲家,他创造出超凡的乐器音乐,将灵魂的旋律,和声和节奏转化为生动,充满情感的意象。 Aaron得到了Stonebridge吉他,Vellone吉他,Eastman吉他,Journey乐器,K&K Sound拾音器,MONO 吉他包和John Pearse 吉他弦的支持。 他于2015年6月发行了他的第一张个人专辑“Akasha”。他目前正在拍摄一系列演播室和电影音乐影片,以支持他的第二张专辑“Cavenaut”,并为他的第三张专辑写歌。
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Aaron Edward is a Guitarist and Composerfrom Tulsa, Oklahoma who creates transcendent, instrumental music thattransforms soulful melodies, harmonies, and rhythms into vivid, emotion-chargedimagery. Aaron is endorsed by Stonebridge Guitars, Vellone Guitars, EastmanGuitars, Journey Instruments, K&K Sound, MONO Cases, and John PearseStrings. He released his first solo album, "Akasha", in June of 2015.He is currently filming a series of studio and cinematic music videos insupport of his second album, "Cavenaut", and writing songs for histhird album.


生旦净末丑 发表于 2018-4-10 15:34:50