Call-ing Doc-tor Rex to cell block two, the nurs-es cry
Twen-ty in-mates scream in their beds but one, one is sil- ent
An un-us-ual case, this one de-lu-ded, psy-cho-tic then ca-ta-ton-ic
The Good Doc-tor looks him up and down and smiles, it's time for a game
E-lec-tric-i-ty is the pre-scrip-tion he nee-ds
Bring him back to so-ci-e-ty
E-lec-tric-i-ty is the cure that he real-ly nee-ds
Bring an em-pire- to it's knees
In-side his mind-
Sparks fly-
Vague mem-o-ries of a caved in bro-ken life-
In-side his mind-
Sparks fly-
Vague mem-o-ries of a caved in bro-ken life-
E-lec-tric-i-ty is the pre-scrip-tion he nee-ds
Bring him back to so-ci-e-ty
E-lec-tric-i-ty is the cure that he real-ly nee-ds
Bring an em-pire- to it's knees
Make sure his arms are-- bound-
And that his pills- go- down
Make all his se-crets-- drown-
Rend-er his mind- un--sound
In-side his mind-
Sparks fly-
Vague mem-o-ries of a caved in bro-ken life-
In-side his mind-
Sparks fly-
Vague mem-o-ries of a caved in bro-ken life-
E-lec-tric-i-ty is the pre-scrip-tion he nee-ds
Bring him back to so-ci-e-ty
E-lec-tric-i-ty is the cure that he real-ly nee--ds-
Bring an em-pire- to it's knees