[Verse 1]
Start sprea-di-ng the ne-ws, I'm lea-ving to-day
[""] I want to be a pa-rt of it
New Yo-rk, Ne-w Yo-rk
[""] These vag-a-bo-nd sho-es, are long-ing to str-ay
Right through the ve-ry hea-rt of it
New Yo-rk, New Yo-rk
I-I [""] wan-na wake up in a ci-ty [""] that does-n't sleep
And find I'm king of the hi-ll, top of the heap
These lit-tle town blu-es, [""] are [""] mel-ting a-wa-y
[Hook 1]
I'll make a brand new star-t of it in ol-d Ne-ew Yo-rk
If I can [""] make it there, [""] I'll make it an-y-wh-ere
It's up to you, New York, New York
[Verse 2]
New Yo-rk, New Yo-rk
I want to wake up in a ci-ty that nev-er sleeps
And find I'm a num-ber one [""], top of the list
King of the hill, a number o-n-e
These lit-tle town blu-es, are [""] mel-ti-ng a-w-ay [""]
[Hook 2]
And I'm gonna make a brand new start of it in old New Y-o-rk
A-n-d [""] if I ca-n make it the-re, I'm gon-na make it an-y-wh-ere
It's up to you, New York, Ne-w Yo-rk
Ne-w Y-o-rk ---