"Don't look don't look" the sha- dows breathe
Whis-pering me a-way from you
"Don't wake at night to watch her sleep
You+know that you will al- ways lose
This trem-bling
Tous-led bird mad girl..."
But e-very night I burn
But e-very night I call your name
E-very night I burn
E very night I fall a-gain
"Oh don't talk of love" the sha-dows purr
Mur-muring me a-way from you
"Don't talk of worlds that ne-ver were
The end is all that's e-ver true
There's no-thing you can e-ver say
No-thing you can e-ver do..."
Still e-very night I burn
E -very night I scream your name
E-very night I burn
E-very night the dream's the same
E-very night I burn
Wai-ting for my on- ly friend
E-very night I burn
Wai-ting for the world to end
-"Just paint your face" the sha-dows smile
Slip-ping me a-way from you
"Oh it doesn't mat-ter how you hide
Find you if we're wan-ting to
So slide back down and close your eyes
Sleep a while
You must be tired..."
But e-very night I burn
E-very night I call your name
E-very night I burn
E-very night I fall a-gain
E-very night I burn
Scream the a-ni-mal screa-ea-eam
E-very night I burn
Dream the crow black dream
E-very night I burn
Dream the crow black drea- eam
And e-very night I burn
Dream the crow black dream...
Dream the crow black dream...
Dream the crow black dream...
Dream the crow black dream...
Dream the crow black dream...