Al-most rea-dy
Al-most there
Or is it al-rea-dy o-ver?
A friend in need
A friend in-deed
Needs some-one to hold her
A-lone at night
She plans her game
Cor-rect-ly think-ing that I'm in pain
Ev-ery night
It's all the same
She be a fuck-ing with my brain
She don't need no-one
She don't need no-one
We all want to play that game with you
We know you're just a star-ter
But there's no rea-son for you to quit
Just cause we try har-der
I don't want to talk on the te-le-phone
I don't want to see no pic-tures
She'll find out just what she needs
When she does I'll get her
She feels safe when she's with him
He'll ne-ver try an-y-thing with her
You know now girl just what you want
Are you gon-na let it scare you?
She don't need no-one
She don't need no-one
She don't need no-one
She don't need no-one
She don't need me