Thin-kin' a-bout to-day wor-ryin' a-bout to-mo-rrow no-thin' ev-er stays the same blame your mad-ness on sor-row but be a hap-py m-a-n Take your time don't you h-u-r-ry life is the love that you gi-v-e liv-in in sha-dows of lon-li-ness oce-ans of tears and a sky full of fears oh no no no Love her boy lov-er boy ride her on wings of love love her boy lov-er boy tell her what you're thin-king of All your life you were lone-ly you were hid-ing all your lon-li-ness in your dr-ea-ms
Nev-er tak-in' cha-nc-es run-nin' from ro-man-ces look-in' for one who dan-ces on-ly with y-o-u she will nev-er lie she will nev-er lie you will nev-er cry you will nev-er cry Sure as the morn-in' sun is co-m-in' no more run-nin' know-in' that love is re-al sing her a song that will last for-ev-e-r give her your heart let her love you you know she's thin-kin' of you don't be a fo-o-ol you can have it all you can have it all she won't let you fall she won't let you fall all you got to do is love her boy You can have it all you can have it all you can have it all she won't let you fall she won't let you fall she won't let you fall all you got to do is love her boy lov-er boy ride her on wings of love love her boy lov-er boy tell her what you're thin-king of love her boy lov-er boy ride her on wings of love
love her boy lov-er boy tell her what you're thin-king o-o-of