Yes, in-deed, here we are...
at Saint Al-fon-zo's Pan-cake Break-fast
where I stole the mar- juh-reen
an' wid-led on the vin-go cards in lieu of the la-trine.
I saw a hand-some par-ish la-dy
make her en-trance like a queen
While she was to-tal-ly che-nille and her old man was a Ma-rine.
As she a-bused the sau-sage pat-tie
an' said "Why don't you treat me mean?"
Mean, treat me mean
At Saint Al-fon-zo's Pan-cake Break-fast
Where I stole the mar-juh-reen.
Hurt me
hurt me
hurt me
ooo ooo
Hah! Good God!
Saint Al-fon-zo
Saint Al-fon-zo
Saint Al-fon-zo
Saint Al-fon-zo
Ah, ah
Get off the bus!
Woo, woo, woo.
Ah, ah, ah.