The sum-mer rain, like tear-drops on my win-dow, re-minds me of a time so long a-go. And through each drop of rain I see, with-in my heart you'll al-ways be. I pray you will re-mem- ber me with love. The gol-den shades of au-tumn all a-round us, they tell me no-thing e-ver stays the same. And as the leaves all turn to brown, I watch them floa-ting to the ground. I pray you will re-mem- ber me with love. As I look back on the spring-time, there is one day I re-call. Blan-kets of gold in the fields of love, re-mem-ber, re-mem-ber. The col-dest days of win-ter draw so close now, you'll light the fire to keep a-way the chills. And in the em-bers, you might see a flame that burns for you and me. I pray you will re-mem- ber me wirh love. As I look back on the spring-time, there is one day I re-call. Blan-kets of gold in the fields of love, re mem-ber, re-mem-ber. The col-dest days of win-ter draw so close now, you'll light the fire to keep a-way the chills. And in the em-bers you might see, a flame still burns for you and me. I pray you will re-mem- ber me with love. I pray you will re-mem- ber me with love. I pray you will re-mem- ber me with love.