What's my prob-lem,
Here's my prob-lem,
My prob-lem is that I'm
Too vi-sual to be blind,
Too au-dio-lo-gi-cal to be deaf,
Too i-deo-lo-gi-cal to be in peace,
Too com-pas-sion-ate to be in war,
Too cra-zy to be sane,
To sane to be la-zy,
Too e-mo-tion-al to be you.
[verse 1]
If I could on-ly stop my head,
From go-ing in-to con-stant in-fec-tion,
Then may-be I can swim back
To my own ver-sion of con-sis-tent sa-ni-ty.
An-ge-lic de-mons,
Li-quid dreams,
Trans-pa-rent moun-tains
Of our own re-al-i-ty.
Bur-ning o-ceans,
Mel-ting fa-ces,
Mel-ting fa-ces,
Why why?
[verse 1 repeat]
If I could on-ly stop my head,
From go-ing in-to con-stant in-fec-tion,
Then may-be I can swim back
To my own ver-sion of con-sis-tent sa-ni-ty.
An-ge-lic de-mons,
Li-quid dreams,
Trans-pa-rent moun-tains
Of our own re-al-i-ty.
[chorus 2]
Bur-ning o-ceans,
Mel-ting fa-ces,
Mel-ting fa-ces,
Ly-ing Gla-ciers
Swim-ming Mea-dows
Mind con-trol
can't sleep, can't shit cuz you're in the the ho-spit-al and they're fuck-ing...
Bur-ning o-ceans,
Mel-ting fa-ces,
Mel-ting fa-ces,
Ly-ing Gla-ciers
Swim-ming Mea-dows
Mind con-trol
May-be my minds not at all in con-trol
May-be i'm not in con-tr-ol